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Get Your CosCon On!

That’s Right!

Get Your CosCon On!

We have shirts ready for pre-order!  And you too, can get your CosCon on…. you…?  Not gonna lie, these things are fun!  We spent some time on these and they turned out great!  We have several sizes and colors available to choose from – with a soft comfortable fabric that just makes it all the more comfortable to wear.

If you’re interested, you too can have your very own CosCon T-shirt by following this link.

Then, once you have your very own CosCon T-shirt, you can post a selfie with your new T-Shirt and we will share it with the world! That is, unless you’re shy and don’t want to be CosCon famous.

What’s CosCon Famous?  Well, I’m glad you asked.  CosCon Famous is when you’re exceedingly famous at CosCon and with all things CosCon.  Does it give you super powers?  Not really – but it does give you the power to look and feel cool around your friends.  Can you wear it to CosCon?  Absolutely!  We wouldn’t dream of stopping you from showing up to CosCon in your CosCon T-shirt.  Can you wear it anywhere else?  HECK YEAH!  Wear it to all your family functions, the grocery store, horseback riding, hiking, on a twitch stream, or in your basement playing video games.  Wear it as many places as you like!  And you, too can have people asking where can I get one of those amazing CosCon T-Shirts????

Now, having said all that, you can absolutely do anything physically possible (within reasonable expectations that do not defy the laws of physics or nature) in real life situations wearing your amazingly comfortable CosCon T-Shirt!

So what are you waiting for?  Get yours now!

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Ooooh, we got some cool vendors this year!

oooOOOoooh – Have we got some coooooool vendors THIS year!

Not gonna lie, it’s starting to look über cool this year – I know it may not look like much, but the vendor hall map is starting to shape up quite nicely.  We’re kind of excited.

We listened and we promised you this past year, that we’d have more cool vendors for you.  And this upcoming year, is shaping up to be quite awesome.  We think you’re going to love it as we roll in to YEAR TWO! [ <<<—to be read in the Mortal Combat Voice ]

We are shaping up to have some cool kickin’ food trucks and food vendors, too!  First and foremost, we will be welcoming back our amazing friends, over at Stray Dog…. As they may or may not bring out all the big toys – to be determined.

Let’s not also forget that we have some cool cosplayers that are going to be in attendance, as well as some amazingly talented cosplayers competing in the cosplay contest – whom you may or may not be interested in competing with.  If you would like to compete, we are accepting sign-ups – yes, this early, lol.

Lastly, let’s talk about early admission.  We are currently running a sale on early admission.  And what better time to get tickets for the one you love, than for the holidays – the best gift ever!

And also, introducing the LIFETIME BADGE OF HONOR! That’s right, the Badge of Honor.  This gets you into the convention for as long as the convention keeps going!  If you buy it now, it’s only $125.  But, if you buy it at the door, it’s $200!

So that special gift for someone über special to you can get in for the life of the convention!

Stay tuned.  We have more awesome news and info coming up – including CALENDARS and T-SHIRTS!

Early Admission Is Open!

That’s Right!  Early Admissions is OPEN!


The holidays are just around the corner.  What better gift for the one you love, than to give them the gift of cosplay.  Yeah, early admissions to CosCon is available for the whole family!

This year, we’ve upped the ante.  Right now, CosCon admissions are discounted until we get closer to the date!

And, we’ve created some new ways to get in!  Not only do we still want volunteers – but, we also now have a donation feature that allows you to get into the convention for free!


And now, introducing the LIFETIME BADGE OF HONOR! That’s right, the Badge of Honor.  This gets you into the convention for as long as the convention keeps going!


This year, we are going BIGGER, BETTER, and full BOSS!  We are expanding to have Full Entertainment on top of food trucks!


We look forward to seeing you there!

COSCON 2025!

Oh, it’s happening, AGAIN!

CosCon 2o25 is happening: Saturday, May 17, 2025!  We will be doing this again and again, until we get it right – and then, we will keep doing it because it’s awesome!  It’s going to be BIGGER, BETTER, AND… bad-assier?  Is that a thing?

Regardless, we’re doing it – we’re having more guests, more vendors, more panels, and more activities!

Stay tuned for more details.

Location: 1111 Elm St. Grafton, Ohio, 44044

CosCon Cosplay Calendar Creation

Interested in being part of a really cool cosplay calendar that will also help fund CosCon, another cool cosplay event? Then here is the place! 

Submissions are open from now until July 31st. Those selected for the calendar will be notified by the end of August. We expect to have the calendars printed shortly after and delivered in the December/January time frame. 

Under the Cosplay Tag section on the sign up form, be sure to put whatever you want to be addressed as with your picture. This is what will be printed on the calendar so we want to make sure we address you all correctly. We will send out proofs the best we can but we may not catch everything. 

We ask that all parties involved get the correct permissions. This means that we ask for proof of photographer consent in order to use their images as per copyright laws. All you need is a simple screenshot of them giving permission or a photo release form can be uploaded as well. If we do not have all the proper permissions, your submission can not be considered for the calendar. 

To verify you’ve read all the rules, the code is 5567.

Earn Free Entry!

Want Free Access Next Year?

Want Free Access THIS Year?

Want Free Entry For Life?

We need volunteers to help keep the show running. Become a member of our volunteer staff, today!

Sign up to volunteer and earn a free “volunteer staff” badge.

Volunteer positions available are:

  • Attendance and Ticket Sales (x 2)
  • Advance Attendance (x 1)
  • Information (x 4)
  • Food Runners (x 2)
  • Floaters and Booth Watchers (x 3)

For more information, click right here.  Not there —-> (x).

You can sign up to volunteer for This year, next year, or for life!

What does that do for you?  I mean, aside from free entry to the newest convention in Ohio?  It gets you the honor of saying that you volunteer to make a difference in people’s lives.  That you stand up to Tyranny, Truth, Justice and…

Ok, so, maybe not so glorious, but you do get in for free, and you get a fun title like, floater, or bobber (fishing joke).  You could become permanent volunteer staff, and work your way up in the ranks – and get the opportunity to have first pick of job duties for future events.

So, if you’re interested in volunteering, we’re happy to have you.

Just fill out this volunteer form, over here.  Remember, not there —->(x).

Full House! We win!

Oh, It’s On Like CosCon!

Distinguished readers! Today, we are celebrating a full house. That’s right, we have sold out every single vendor table in the facility! And we’ve made it our goal to ensure all attendees have a memorable experience.

Having said that, here are some things of note – as we get closer to the date!

Now for “the talk”…. (time for the parent to come out)

We would like to see everyone on their best behavior.  We have rules.  A Code of Conduct, if you will.  Because we want this to be a memorable experience for everyone, we want them to be positive memories.  So, if you would, please read the Code of Conduct.  Staff will be around to help you if you need it.

Moving on…..
We will have staff and volunteers on hand the day of, to help guide you around the convention, answer questions, and point you in the right direction if you need it.

For the vendors, we will have floaters available to watch your booth(s) while you might want to take a break, grab a bite to eat from one of the wonderful food trucks we will have the day of, and also – if you just needed a moment to step away for whatever reason.  We’ve got you covered. – – – Not to mention, we will have food runners.  SO, if you don’t want to leave your booth unless you absolutely have to, we have people that will take your order and go get it for you.  How cool is that??

If you, or one of your cosplay friends needs a quick and secure place to change costumes, we can provide that for you.  Just ask one of our staff members.  NOTE: Since this event is being held in an old school building, lockers can be made available for you to store your stuff.  Just remember to bring a small lock with you to secure it.

The day will go by quickly.  Take a moment.  Grab your friends or the person you are with (or a staff member) and stop.  Look around.  Take a minute to appreciate the others around you – The cosplayers, the vendors, the staff, and your friends.

Remember to have fun.

Who’s Going To CosCon?

Show of Hands!

Who are we going to see at CosCon on May 11th? Will it be YOU?! (How about that person over there?)

Tell us you’re coming by posting a message to the socials using #CosCon2024; we’re excited to see you! And don’t forget to tell all your friends about CosCon 2024.


Purchase Advanced Tickets and skip the line!

Did you know that you can purchase your tickets in advance and skip the line? Get in to see all the cool vendors, panels, and everything else without the wait.

Adults (13+) $10, Children (8-12) $5

Purchase Adult tickets here!

Purchase Children tickets here!

7 and under are FREE


We like making it fun and easy on you!

Speaking of fun and easy, we have extraordinary panels, a variety of awesome vendors, and a great cosplay contest – that you should definitely sign up for.  I mean, if you’re coming in costume, you may as well, right?  It’s all about the fun and the experience.

Including, Food Trucks by:

Yeah, a Tequilería, Hotdogs, and the “Wright” sandwich that won’t quit for days – It’s called The Belly Buster, folks!

Come on out.  Get your tickets now, so you don’t have to wait in line with the rest of the people who didn’t get their tickets in advance. (lol)

It’s Getting Closer!

As we get closer to the date – while still a little ways off, we need to start thinking about accommodating vendors/exhibitors/Cosplay Groups and, of course, the fellow attendess.

It is our wish that we create a memorable experience for everyone.  And, in doing so would like to address a few concerns and put forth our code of conduct and ethics.

As this is and will be an ever changing and growning convention, so will be this code of conduct. We reserve the right to review and change/update the code of conduct based on experiences at our convention or as participants have reported from other like conventions. As always, we do this for your safety and security.

Other important things to know:

  • When is the convention?
    • -Saturday, May 11th 2024 From 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Why is it only one day?
    • -As this is a first year convention, we are still trying to understand the ins and outs of creating a successful convention. And until we can grow to that point that it will sustain multiple days, we want ot make sure that we can make this one as successful and as memorable as possible.
  • What does it cost to get in the door?
    • -$10! that’s right. 10 bucks (for adults). Children 8-12 are only $5 and Children 7 and under are FREE! Because, again, this is only a first year convention.
  • Will there be panels?
    • -Yep. We are working on that. They will be published closer to the date.
  • I run a small business (Or, I’m just generous) and I want to sponsor your event. Can I do that?
  • I can’t afford to sponsor the event, but can I make a donation of an amount of my choosing?
  • Will it be family friendly?
    • -Yes. We are working hard to ensure that everyone has a safe and family friendly environment to come and express their creativity and love of fandoms.

Lastly, if you are a costumer, a prop builder, a cosplay group, or a jewelry maker and interested in obtaining a booth, or are a food truck, and want to park your truck at our event for the day, we would love to have you.  Go here and reserve your space, now.

CosCon 2024 2/8/24 Update!

Advance Ticket Sales Are Now Open!

Adults are just $10, Children 8-12 are only $5 and Children 7 and under are FREE!

You can now purchase adult tickets here!  And you can purchase kid tickets here!

There! Wasn’t that easy?


If you want your business to be seen, and heard at the event, then, this is the opportunity for you! We offer four (4) sponsorship packages for your business.

  • Premium Sponsorship
  • Gold Sponsorship
  • Silver Sponsorship
  • Bronze Sponsorship

Check it out, now!