Get Your CosCon On!
That’s Right!
Get Your CosCon On!
We have shirts ready for pre-order! And you too, can get your CosCon on…. you…? Not gonna lie, these things are fun! We spent some time on these and they turned out great! We have several sizes and colors available to choose from – with a soft comfortable fabric that just makes it all the more comfortable to wear.
If you’re interested, you too can have your very own CosCon T-shirt by following this link.
Then, once you have your very own CosCon T-shirt, you can post a selfie with your new T-Shirt and we will share it with the world! That is, unless you’re shy and don’t want to be CosCon famous.
What’s CosCon Famous? Well, I’m glad you asked. CosCon Famous is when you’re exceedingly famous at CosCon and with all things CosCon. Does it give you super powers? Not really – but it does give you the power to look and feel cool around your friends. Can you wear it to CosCon? Absolutely! We wouldn’t dream of stopping you from showing up to CosCon in your CosCon T-shirt. Can you wear it anywhere else? HECK YEAH! Wear it to all your family functions, the grocery store, horseback riding, hiking, on a twitch stream, or in your basement playing video games. Wear it as many places as you like! And you, too can have people asking where can I get one of those amazing CosCon T-Shirts????
Now, having said all that, you can absolutely do anything physically possible (within reasonable expectations that do not defy the laws of physics or nature) in real life situations wearing your amazingly comfortable CosCon T-Shirt!
So what are you waiting for? Get yours now!